Rotherview Nursery

All nurseries

We are Ray and Wendy Bates who have been running Rotherview Nursery for 33 years. We grow all our own plants and have a wide range of alpines, ferns and perennials. Not all of these are listed in the shop due to small quantities, but please contact us if you are looking for unusual varieties.

Our nursery is one acre in size. There is a designated retail area, but customers are allowed around the growing beds and tunnels.

We are planting beds at the nursery for people to see plants growing in the ground and have also created a crevice garden on the nursery




Contact details

Ivyhouse Lane
Three Oaks
TN35 4NP

Rotherview Nursery events

Click image for more information and booking.

Contact us

Victoria Mummery
Plant Fairs Roadshow
1 Beechbridge Cottages
Goudhurst Road
TN12 9NN